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Temple Har Zion, Philadephia Bar MitzvahHar Zion, Philly Mitzvah, Fun Artistic Photography, Christine Foster photoCool Relaxed Portraits, child photography, Temple Mainline Reform Philadelphia, Christine Foster photoSouth Jersey Bat Mitzvah, The Mansion Voorhees, Christine Foster photoArtistic Black and White Photography, Cherry Hill Event Photography, South Jersey Photography, Christine Foster Photo, Temple Beth SholomGreen Valley Country Club Philadelphia Bat MitzvahRadnor Hotel Mitzvah Service, Candid photographyGreen Valley Country Club, Philadelphia Bat MtizvahPhilly Mitzvahs, Mishkan Shalom Temple, Philadelphia, Kiddish cup and torah, Detail photography, Artsy Photography, Christine Foster photoCandid Natural Photography, Philly Mitzvah, Temple Beth David, Philadelphia, Christine Foster PhotoHar Zion, Philly Mitzvah, Fun Natural Portrait Photography, Christine Foster photoFamily Photography, Documentary Photography, Philadelphia Bar Mitzvah, Temple Har ZionBeth David Reform Congregation, Philadelphia MitzvahTemple Mainline Reform Philadelphia Bar MitzvahAdath Israel on the Main Line, Family PhotographyTemple Brith Achim, Candid Natural Photography, Philadelphia Bat Mitzvah, Christine Foster photoPhilly Mitzvah, Temple Beth Am, Candid photography, Christine Foster photoTemple Mainline Reform Christine Foster photoTemple Mainline Reform, Bar Mitzvah Portrait, Christine Foster photo, Philadelphia MitzvahBar Mitzvah University of Penn Museum Lower Egypt Gallery